Sweat Cure – Excessive Sweating Armpits – How to Cure Your Underarm Sweat Problem

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Excessive sweating armpits can be highly embarrassing. Nobody likes that dreaded feeling of sweat leaking and the odor and sweat patches that come with it. In this article, I want to show you some great ways to cure your excessive sweating armpits.

Topical Methods

One of the first things that you can try is a clinical strength antiperspirant. Your doctor can prescribe one to you.

What you’ll find is that you only need to apply it once a week. Unfortunately, some people say that the active ingredient, aluminum chloride, does not work as well in the long term because your body becomes tolerant of it.

Botulinum Toxin

This is the stuff that middle aged women use to hide their wrinkles. There is a specific underarm treatment for excessive sweaters.

Typically you can expect 12 shots under each arm. Although it’s painful and expensive, the results do last for about 3 to 6 months.


This technique may be helpful for you. It is more normally used for the hands and the feet but can be used for the underarms with a slight modification.

Under your armpits are placed sponges soaked with tap water. Also attached to the sponges are two electrodes and a small electric current is passed.

This is not painful and it has the effect of blocking the sweat ducts. Unfortunately it is less effective for excessive sweating armpits compared to the hands and the feet.

Nevertheless the technique may work for you for about 2 weeks before a repeat treatment is needed.

You don’t have to use drugs or equipment to stop your sweating. Discover the top 3 most successful cures for excessive sweating armpits here